Saturday,  September 28

Bordeaux Train Station
44°49’35.5008″N, 0°33’22.3488″W


Paris Montparnasse Train Station
48°50’27.1176″N, 2°19’12.1404″E


Hotel Max Paris 14
48°49’40.6452″N, 2°19’47.6976″E

Today was a pretty easy day. Our train to Paris was not until 12:00 noon & our hotel was right across the street from the station.

We went to the restaurant next door for a light breakfast & then back to our room to finish packing & relax for awhile.

Photo above – the Bordeaux Blogger (limited edition prints are available to order)    🙂

Thankfully the weather was much better today. Although it really doesn’t matter much to us because we won’t be driving anymore.

Photo above  – Hall 1 Bordeaux Station

When we enter a train station in a city in France we really notice the difference from home. These stations are happening places… as busy as most airports but without all the security barriers. However,  it’s not uncommon to see groups of 2-3 policemen walking through the station with machine guns & body armour. It’s a bit unsettling but people seem to be used to their presence. I don’t think I’ll be asking them if they would pose for a photo for my blog.

Our train departed right on time. This particular train was configured differently than the others we have taken. Seats are set up as 3 together, the aisle & then singles on the opposite side. It was also a double decker & very long. It was fast & smooth but because of the seating arrangement it was not as comfortable as the others we have taken.

We arrived at Montparnasse Station just after 2:30 & took the metro to the Alesia stop just a couple of blocks from our hotel.

Photo above  – Hotel Max

This is a nice hotel. The bedroom & bathroom are small but modern, comfortable & clean. It’s in a great neighbourhood location with shops & restaurants & public transit.

Photo above  – the view of “our” neighbourhood from our hotel room window. We really like staying in these small neighbourhood hotels. It gives you a sense of what it’s like to actually live in the area. There is a boulangerie (bakery) across the street & a fruit & vegetable store on the opposite street. Also within a few steps is a beauty salon, a wine store, a convenience store & a realtor. What else does anyone need?

After resting for a while Emily came to see us & we went out for dinner at an Italian restaurant just a block from our hotel. She had lots to tells us about her first few weeks of starting to live in Paris.

Photo above – Catherine & Emily catching up over a cup of tea after dinner.

Tomorrow we will explore a bit more of Paris with Emily.


2 thoughts on “Saturday,  September 28

    1. Wally Post author

      Hi Gary. The other day something reminded me of our project time together in Kuwait. Hard to believe that was in 2011! It’s crazy what triggers a memory sometimes, eh!

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