Daily Archives: April 5, 2014

Importing Google Blogger Posts to WordPress Site

I have kept a blog since 2010 using Google Blogger. It is very easy to set up and use and I also really like the email posting app that I can use with my iPhone and iPad.

I also set up a web site for SV-Ananda in 2011. Having a web site enabled me to share experiences and information in a different way than the blog platform. Unfortunately, it was cumbersome trying to maintain two distinct sites. I found that through WordPress I could merge the two together and have the best of both worlds.

I am very much a novice at all of this and spend a lot of my time on a steep learning curve. but I have found that there are many people out there sharing their knowledge and experience through a variety of forums and this has been extremely helpful. I hope that by sharing my particular experience on importing my blog will help others.

My blog/website is based on the Weaver II design. After conducting some research I learned that WordPress had a tool specifically for importing postings from Blogger sites. I used this tool to import my blog site into SV-Ananda’s site. It worked very well, importing over 150 blog entries—many of them containing multiple photographs strategically placed within the text. I am very pleased with the results. I have reviewed many of the imported blog pages and found all of them to be virtually exactly as they were originally posted.

My only comment is that the importing tool includes a progress bar that shows how many pages and how many photographs have been imported. The page count showed correctly but the photo count did not and this caused me concern for a while. However, as I stated earlier, so far I have not found any imported pages that are missing photos.


Cheers! Wally