Waiting For Spring

It’s been quite a while since my last post late in August. September through the first week of December was very demanding at the project site in Kuwait. After a long rehabilitation period the station was finally ready to start up and there were many, many things left to do–and not enough people or hours in the day to get the work done.

The last 6 weeks I was in Kuwait I worked 7 days a week. I returned home to Canada on December 9th–sad to be leaving my friends and colleagues who I had worked so closely with for the past 9 months, yet ready to come home and be with my family.

Part of me wanted to return to Kuwait for another 3 months but it was not the best choice for my family–so I have returned to work in Canada and the USA. I will stay on the job until late May/early June and then I will be getting ready to head off on my cruising adventure–the one that I postponed last summer.

Ananda is waiting patiently for me on the hard in Maine. I am anxious to see her and get back in the sailing groove. I took this photograph a few years ago at my marina in Goderich. I didn’t like it at first because it reminded me that the winters got in the way of sailing. But as time passed I have grown to like the photo and it is “re-teaching” me about the importance of patience and the rewards that come from it.