Kuwait Sightseeing – Part Deux

A couple of months ago I had a great time exploring parts of Kuwait with my friend and work colleague David.

Darren Montgomery joined our team about eight weeks ago and Ren Arbuthnot has just joined us. They were curious to see more of Kuwait so we convinced David to take us on another tour–similar to my first adventure!  Our first stop was the marina at Marina Mall. Lots of interesting boats and shops–but sadly no sailboats. Other stops along the way included Kuwait Tower and David’s Christian church.
We spent quite a bit of time at the Kuwait Fish and Produce Market. This place is full of people doing their weekly shopping and visiting with their friends. We arrived at the docks outside the market just in time to see a number of smaller fishing boats arrive with their catch from the night before.
Our next stop was inside the market building to see all of the different kinds of food for sale. Fish, meat, produce – The selection was massive!
After leaving the market we headed to the city center in search of one or more of the old gates to the city. Apparently many years ago Kuwait was a walled city with entrance gates at several strategic locations. As the city grew sections of the wall were torn down but planners had the foresight to preserve several of the original gates. They now stand as a wonderful reminder of the city’s history and heritage and are accessible to anyone who wants to take a look. One of the gates we stopped at (Al Sha-Ab) was built in 1919. It now stands in the shadow of many very avant guard high rise towers and office buildings. final stop on the tour was to see the sailboats at the Science Center. The sailboats are still there–waiting for a captain….. perhaps I should apply for the job!