Today we began installing the new heads. We started the day by walking to the downtown area to Jackie Munro’s restaurant “Munro’s” and introducing ourselves to her. Bob was due to arrive home from Atlanta later in the afternoon. Jackie was kind enough to loan us her car so we could go on a trek for plumbing supplies—and what a trek it turned out to be! A few pieces at Canadian Tire, some more at Home Depot, then WalMart, some more at the local marine supply store and finally at a local plumbing supply store. Wow, almost 5 hours of running around for a handful of parts.
After we were done Jackie fed us awesome (late) lunch at her restaurant.
Armed with plumbing supplies and full tummies we started our new project. Bo really did not have a lot of interest in helping me with this project. He told me that he had trouble sleeping the night before so he was up at 3:00am measuring the dimensions in the head and making a list of the supplies we would need to accomplish the task. What a great guy!
The old toilets came our pretty easily and I lined them up on the foredeck so that all passers-by in the marina could have a chuckle. We started installing new toilets and I blew out my back trying to put a water fitting inside a piece of plastic pipe. Wow, did that hurt! I was simply sitting down and trying to press the two fittings together—and pow!!!—it felt like someone had stuck a knife in my back.
By this time Bob Munro had arrived home from his trip. Bob and Jackie live in a condo right at the marina so Bob kindly went home and got some pain lineament for me. That seemed to help a bit. It was getting on to early evening & I did not want to push my back any further so we quit for the day and went out for dinner with Bob and Jackie at a local English pub. Awesome fish & chips!