Well, the big day finally arrived. Friday, May 14 was my last official day at work for the next several months. Unfortunately, for the last few days of work, I was really sick with a bad cold so that dampened my enthusiasm for finally arriving at the finish line.
Many of my colleagues in the Atlanta office arranged a little send off for me and I am deeply touched and grateful for their caring, their friendship; the thoughtful gifts and the best wishes. The cake was awesome too!
I have been really fortunate to work with a lot of great people at CH2M HILL. They have made the work and the challenges a lot easier. I will miss the routine and their daily companionship–almost enough to make me want to come back to work (but not just yet) 🙂
I turned 58 earlier this month and as I reflected on my age I realized that I have worked non-stop for 40 years. Where did all those years go? There have been a few very short breaks while I was in-between jobs but this will be the first time that I will have more than a couple of weeks off at once. It’s exciting and intimidating at the same time.
Now it’s time for me to start my “new” career…. boat scraper and painter; renovator; mechanic; plumber; sail rigger and finally, at long last–voyager. I think I’ll start by trading my briefcase in for a toolbox!