Repositioning Cruise Day 13 – April 20 – At Sea

Ships Position:

47°39′54″ N 5°36′27″ W

Distance Traveled: 4,585 nautical miles

We are now almost across the Bay of Biscay & will be entering the English Channel this evening. Looking forward to that because the ride is supposed to smooth out some more in the Channel.We are supposed to land at Le Havre, France early tomorrow (Friday) morning.

The weather today is very sunny but very cool – only 9 degrees C & the winds have dropped to only about 1/2 of what they were last night.

This morning a lot of the passengers attended a cooking demonstration put on by the Ship’s Head Chef & the Maitre D’Hotel. They gave a lot of good tips & were pretty funny as well.

The Chef’s secret is to use LOTS of extra virgin olive oil when making Caesar salad dressing & when cooking chopped vegetables & pasta sauce. I’ll have to remember to stock our ship’s galley with a case when I get home.

The next item on today’s itinerary was to do my laundry. Several decks on the ship have self serve laundromats but there’s nowhere near enough machines to service everyone on the same day. So I did the essentials today (socks & underwear) & will do shirts & pants tomorrow if I can find an available machine. Life at sea can be so exciting.
