August 19 – Detached Lock Smiths Falls

Smiths Falls Detached Lock

44°53′40″ N 76°1′38″ W

This morning I traveled a very short distance from the Combined Lock in Smith Falls to the Detached Lock – maybe 500 meters in total.

I had arranged with my friend Yang from London to meet at the Detached Lock. I met Yang in 2017 when I was volunteering at the Cross Cultural Learning Center in London & we have been friends ever since. He and his girlfriend Amber were going to spend 2-3 days on the boat with me.

After getting secured on the dock I walked over to several stores to pick up food & beverage items that we would need for our adventure. I got my steps in today & my legs were certainly reminding me of that by mid afternoon.

Yang & Amber arrived shortly before 7:00pm & after a welcome drink we headed off to a local pub for dinner.

The plan was to cast off the next morning & head south to Newboro Lock – about a 4-hour trip by boat – 30 minutes by car!

Here are some comments by Yang & Amber:

8月19日,我和倩倩早上10点怀着异常激动的心情从London,ON出发,目的地是Smith Falls小镇,Wally的Santosha号,这将是我们第一次在船上度过将来的几天时光,所以我们非常激动,虽然路上因为401修路耽误了一些时间,不过路途还算顺利,当我们到达Santosha停留的港口时,感觉一切的劳顿都是值得的,Santosha看起来是那么的漂亮,映照在夕阳下。Wally非常热情的迎接了我们,当我们拿着行李进入船舱后,一切都是那么温馨、整齐、干净。Wally特意帮我们收拾了船舱内的卧室,Wally也非常喜欢我们从中国山西带来的十二生肖彩色剪纸。Wally也特意准备了香槟为我们接风,喝了一些之后,我们便去小镇中心一家酒吧吃晚饭。聊了聊最近各自发生的事情,非常开心。回到船上以后,我们又喝了一些红酒,聊聊最近国际的一些新闻,和各自的看法。祝福各自的生活越来越好。最后我们计划了这几天的安排,我们还会在Santosha上面度过两个夜晚,之后便休息了。最开始我还觉得船里会很热,但实际,晚上睡觉非常凉快,甚至有些冷,船上真的太舒服了!!
