August 21 – Newboro to Poonamalie

Overnight at Poonamalie

44°53′34″ N 76°3′21″ W

Today we had to head back towards Smiths Falls because Yang & Amber had to be home in London for the weekend.

We started out in a light rain & the forecast was for it to continue for most of the day but thankfully the forecast was wrong & within an hour of our departure the sun came out & the sky kept getting clearer.

Yang was becoming an old hand at managing the lines in the locks. Too bad there aren’t more locks to pass through as I was enjoying having the help!

I also showed Amber my favorite spot on the boat during a smooth passage through the Rideau Lakes.

We arrived at Poonamalie Lockstation around 1:30 pm & there was lots of space on the overnight docks so we decided to stop & enjoy the spot for the rest of the day & overnight.

It will be easy for us to get to Smiths Falls early tomorrow morning as we are now only a few kilometers away.

The afternoon sun was hot so after we had a brief rest we found a shady spot to sit on shore & I mixed us up some cool drinks of rum & grapefruit juice.

An hour or so later our thirst came back so we decided to quench it with a margarita. Not a bad way to spend a hot summer afternoon.

Tonight I continued to share my Canadian style cooking with Amber & Yang & we had BBQ’d chicken with boiled mini carrots & cold baby potatoes (from yesterday).

I have probably missed an opportunity to try out a Spam recipe on my guests but there’s always next year!

Here’s another update on our adventure from my guest bloggers:

8月21日,早晨7点半细细的小雨把我们吵醒,当我们洗漱完毕回到船上,Wally早已为我们做好了他拿手的咖啡拿铁。Wally教我们怎么做omlette(一种煎蛋)当我们的早餐。味道好极了!! 吃完早餐后,我们启程开回Poonamlie. 在回去的路上还是有一些小雨,但不是很冷. 雨点并没有给这次旅途带来扫兴. 而是让我们在船上有了不同的体验。毕竟,没有任何事情是完美的,但是要学会在不同的事情中寻找自己的乐趣。刚开出不久,雨停了、天晴了. 真是应了那句不经历风雨怎么见彩虹呢? 我们一路讨论很多有趣的事,关于生活,爱情,以及事业. 我们到达Poonamlie时大概1点半. Wally 为我们做了他的拿手牛排卷饼. 当我们吃完饭后,Wally给我们做了他的拿手饮品水果朗姆酒. 我们拿着酒坐在岸边,听着鸟叫,聊了一些有趣的事. 可能是朗姆酒的原因,Wally和Yang小憩了一会. 下午6点, 我们又喝了另一种Wally叫它Fargarita.这是倩倩最喜欢的了. 天色渐晚,我们准备开始晚餐了.我们的晚餐是烤鸡胸肉和煮土豆,小胡萝卜. Wally的厨艺好棒呀! 晚餐后我们又聊了一会就睡觉了。我和Yang将在明天上午和Wally分开去我们的下一个旅程,Kingston. 真的很荣幸收到了Wally的邀请到他的船上做客. 这次旅途给我们的生活带来了更多的经历. 很期待我们和Wally的下次相见.


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