Adventures Ahead!


2016 Cruise – Introducing Ananda’s Crew
First Captain Wally MacKinnon – The Human Seagull

Chris and I have sailed together for years. We often joke with each other about our appetites and our likes and dislikes. I am a connoisseur of Spam and other culinary delights that Chris constantly passes on. He often compares me to a seagull that will eat just about anything, but he forgets that I pass on lots of stuff like liver, kale, keenwah….

Second Captain Chris Cavanaugh – The Bad Bird

I’ve known Chris for around 20 years. We quickly identified things that we both liked such as: sailing, cigars and Scotch. Chris introduced me to one of his favourites “The Famous Grouse” which he fondly refers to as “The Bad Bird”.

We invite you to follow our adventures this summer as we head towards Green Bay, Wisconsin and Chicago, Michigan. Weather permitting, we will cast off on from Goderich Tuesday, July 26. It should be a great time and a fun adventure and we’d love to you to join us via this blog. Cheers Mates!

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