Spiders Love Sailboats :(

46°1′31″ N 83°44′59″ W

Here we are on the dock in Drummond, MI.

I dislike spiders as much as I dislike going up to the top of the mast in the bosun’s chair!

As soon as the sun starts to get low in the sky the spiders come out of their hiding places & start to weave now webs around the windows & in the rigging. The next morning we sweep down the webs & the cycle begins again. It’s like the wolf & the sheep dog in Bugs Bunny cartoons.

Actually, I can put up with sweeping the webs down each morning but it’s the spider poop on the white fiberglass that ticks me off. That’s hard to wash! (Plug for Spray Nine here). How these critters can poop sideways & upside down baffles me.

This guy in the photo below was working like crazy outside our port window setting up his “fishing net” for the night. If nothing else I have to admire their work ethic. I will sleep while he tends to his business.

Cheers mates!