Back “Home” In Goderich

43°44′31″ N 81°43′25″ W

We are now back in Goderich and tied up to “our” dock at Maitland Valley Marina. This is our “final” destination (at least for now!).

We entered the channel to the marina at 8:15 pm and were tied up on the dock by 8:25. Just before the sunset.


Above is a photo of the sunset shining down the channel that leads to the marina. It’s as if the setting sun is showing us the way to our dock.

We traveled approximately 95 nm today from Tobermory in about 12 1/2 hours. The day was perfect and the wind and the gentle swells on the lake seemed to be pushing Ananda towards Goderich all day long. It’s as if she couldn’t wait to get home!

We have had some wonderful adventures over the past several weeks but like any other travelers we are also glad to get home.

I am really looking forward to seeing Catherine and Emily and Jeanne (Catherine’s mom). It will also be very nice to be able to sit in a chair that is perfectly still for as long as I want.

Ananda was perfect throughout this entire trip. I would not hesitate to set out tomorrow morning for the east coast or the Caribbean islands. However, I have a wife and a life here that I love very dearly so this is where I’ll be staying – at least for a few weeks and then Catherine and I will be off on an adventure to the United Kingdom to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary! I’ll be most certainly blogging about that, so don’t go too far away from your computer or tablet 😀.

Tomorrow I will start to assemble some statistics about the entire trip that Chris and I have just completed. I will post them on the blog site for anyone who is interested in that kind of stuff.

Thanks everyone for following us on this adventure. I really appreciate your comments, questions and encouragement.


4 thoughts on “Back “Home” In Goderich

  1. Molly

    Congratulations to you and Chris on completing such an amazing adventure! I’m glad that Bo and I could be a small part of it. Now I’ll look forward to hearing about your next adventure!!

    1. Wally Post author

      Thanks Molly! And remember, visiting with you and Bo was our primary “objective ” &!we had an awesome time with you both! Everything else along the way wax “gravy” for Chris & I.

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